
what retainer is best

Permanent vs Removable? Choosing the Right Retainer

After the excitement of removing your braces, you're eager to show off your new smile. But wait! Your orthodontic journey isn't over just…

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A Parent’s Guide to Braces and Invisalign

At WestClay Orthodontics, one of the most frequent questions we hear from parents and patients alike is: "Which is better—braces or…

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Seo Blog (1)

Overcoming Severe Teeth Crowding with Braces

Teeth crowding is a common issue that can affect people of all ages. It occurs when there isn't enough space in the jaw for teeth to grow…

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Role of Spacers for braces in Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment often involves various devices and procedures to achieve optimal results. Among these, spacers, or separators

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The Science in InBrace: How Do Hidden Braces Work?

Orthodontic science has taken a huge leap in the past few years; among these amazing advancements is the development of InBrace, also known…

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Westclay Teen (800 X 640 Px)

Invisalign Teen: A Clear Solution for Confidence

At WestClay Orthodontics, we understand the importance of confidence during the teenage years. Image-conscious teens often face a

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Metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

4 Ways to Manage Discomfort With Braces or Aligners

No matter what age you are when you first get braces put on or start wearing Invisalign® clear aligners, there’s bound to be some…

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Paying for Invisalign orthodontists in Carmel IN

How to Make Invisalign® Work for Your Budget

While it may seem like a daunting task initially, paying for Invisalign® clear aligners is possible thanks to the options put forward by…

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Playing sports with metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

Orthodontics and Sports: How to Protect Your Smile

Playing sports or being active in some respect is essential if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, sports also introduce…

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Foods to eat with braces Carmel IN orthodontists

Best Soft Foods to Eat After You Get Braces

The day has arrived: your braces are on! Now that the nervousness around the appointment is out of the way, the focus can now become……

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Overbite and overjet Carmel IN orthodontists

Why Overjets and Overbites Aren’t the Same

When you have a bite issue, you know it to be just that: something wrong with the way your upper and lower teeth fit together. Unless…

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Palatal expanders Carmel IN orthodontists

Palatal Expanders: When Are They Needed?

Though not applicable for everyone, our Carmel, IN, orthodontists may recommend that some patients wear palatal expanders as part of……

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Invisalign types Carmel IN Invisalign orthodontists

Finding the Right Invisalign® Fit for You

Orthodontic treatment plans differ no matter if you choose metal braces, InBrace®, ceramic braces, or yes, even Invisalign® aligners. The…

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Orthodontic treatment myths Carmel IN orthodontists

Orthodontic Myths: What’s Fact and Fiction?

Opinions can often be very convincing if they’re presented in a certain way. Many about orthodontics have been spread throughout the years…

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Wearing Invisalign aligners Carmel IN orthodontists

5 Tips for Your Invisalign® Summer

The summer season can mean a lot: heading to the beach, time off from work or school, traveling, and more. But what does it mean in terms…

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Orthodontic retainers from Carmel IN orthodontists

What Is Retainer Relapse?

Orthodontic retainers aren’t everyone’s favorite. After all, if you just spent a few years wearing metal braces or aligners, the last thing…

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Patient with metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

Are Braces Painful to Remove?

If you’re like most other orthodontic patients out there, you’ve been waiting for the day your braces come off. No matter how long you’ve…

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Adult braces by Carmel IN orthodontists

Top 3 Benefits of Adult Braces

Are you an adult who wants to make the straighter smile pictured in your head a reality? Our Carmel, IN, orthodontists can help you do just…

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Metal braces tightening Carmel IN orthodontists

How Often Do Braces Need Tightening?

This question and more are bound to be swirling around your head once you’ve had your braces put on. While every patient is different, our…

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Invisalign orthodontists in Carmel IN

Looks Aside: 4 Other Reasons To Choose Invisalign® Aligners

You may have been drawn to Invisalign® clear aligners because of how they look. They’re clear and less noticeable than traditional metal…

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Clear ceramic braces Carmel IN orthodontists

What to Know Before Getting Clear Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces give patients a toned down approach to orthodontics courtesy of clear, tooth-colored brackets and a less obvious shade of…

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Bite problems Carmel IN orthodontists

Common Bite Problems Fixable With Orthodontics

How your top and bottom teeth meet is known as your “bite”. Unfortunately, the relationship between the upper and lower set isn’t always…

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InBrace patient at Carmel IN orthodontists

4 Major Benefits of InBrace®

Never before have there been more options available for people wanting to straighten their teeth. Even better, so many choices are discreet…

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Patient with metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

What Happens When Your Braces Are Put On

It’s completely normal to feel a bit anxious before coming in to get your ceramic or metal braces placed. Well, you can rest easy because…

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Invisalign cleaning crystals Carmel IN orthodontists

How to Clean Invisalign® Aligners Like a Pro

You already know that your teeth require daily care so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that the Invisalign® aligners you wear do as…

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Phase 1 orthodontic treatment Carmel IN orthodontists

What Is Phase 1 Treatment?

As a parent, you want your child to have a beautiful and healthy smile for years to come. Helping them achieve that, however, can feel…

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Orthodontic Retainer Carmel IN Orthodontists

What Does an Orthodontic Retainer Do?

Many patients think that after their orthodontic treatment is finished, they’re good to go. In actuality, you will need to wear a…

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Metal braces and ceramic braces Carmel IN orthodontists

Metal Braces vs. Clear Ceramic Braces

No matter the type, braces from our Carmel, IN, orthodontists are designed to straighten teeth and ultimately, improve oral health. Still,…

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InBrace patient with Carmel IN orthodontists

Is InBrace® Right for Me?

What if our Carmel, IN, orthodontists told you that there was a way for you to have a straighter smile without any outward-facing wires or…

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Patient with metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

When Will My Braces Come Off?

It’s common for patients to ask our Carmel, IN, orthodontists for specifics regarding the length of orthodontic treatment soon after their…

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Metal braces Carmel IN orthodontists

5 Types of Food That Aren’t Braces-Friendly

It can be a little disheartening to learn that once you have brackets and wires on your teeth, there are foods you shouldn’t eat. Don’t…

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Orthodontic emergency Carmel IN orthodontists

Do I Have an Orthodontic Emergency?

Wires break, clear aligners get lost, and brackets become loose. It all happens, but not everything that goes awry regarding your…

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Invisalign aligners Carmel IN orthodontists

How to “Hack” Your Invisalign® Experience

Compared to regular metal braces, Invisalign® clear aligners are nearly invisible, removable, and involve no brackets or wires. Still, can…

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Adult orthodontics Carmel IN orthodontists

Can Adults Get Orthodontic Treatment?

Despite how it may seem, orthodontic treatment is not limited to only children or teenagers. Adults are fully able to make the move towards…

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Metal braces patient outside Carmel, IN orthodontics office

4 Tips for Brushing and Flossing With Braces

Taking care of your teeth has always been important, but braces are involved, your smile requires extra attention. Wires and brackets are…

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Woman wearing Invisalign® clear aligners at Greater Indianapolis orthodontists

How Are Metal Braces and Invisalign® Different?

Our Carmel, IN, orthodontists understand that not every patient looking to begin orthodontic treatment is interested in metal braces. Some,…

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Childrens Orthondontist Carmel In

How to Know When Your Child Needs Braces

For many children, there will come an age where the idea of braces becomes more than a possibility. That age can vary but on average, most…

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